Reflections on a Special Day at His Majesty’s Royal Garden Party


A poem by Pauline Smith about attending His Majesty’s Royal Garden Party 2024.

Why Me?
Why was I invited?
Those were my thoughts
When my invitation to the Royal garden party
Addressed to Ms Pauline Smith
In a special embossed envelope
Arrived at my house

I still pinch myself now
What have I done?
That is so special
As a 76 year old trans woman
That I received this recognition
This invite

I am just me

An ordinary older person
Trying my best to
Be the Best Woman I can be
I am transgender
So that is never easy
For me

I have been an active volunteer
For older people and
The trans gender community
For a long time

In Bury and Greater Manchester
Fighting for those folk
Who cannot articulate their
Concerns and fears
Trying to be their voice

Maybe that is why
Sandra Walmsley the Mayor of Bury
Recommended me?
I hope I have made a difference
To justify my invite


It is for me extra special
To be recognised in this way
And it was a really wonderful day
To be at Buckingham Palace
With my dear son as my guest
On the 8th May 2024

To sit in the Palace Gardens
To be able to watch
All the others who were invited
To get glimpses of the royals
And to see a squad of Beefeaters
Marching through the greenery
Was a privilege

I am very fortunate
Doubly blessed
By the love of my son
And by being invited to
A unique occasion
It was wonderful

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